Adelaide Lindsay : a Novel 2

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Melton had gone to rest, he inquired of her, with much solicitude, if she was well ? and whether she felt equal to the task which laj before her 1 Adelaide assured him that there was nothing amiss with her, and that, far from being alarmed, she was looking forward to " beginning life,'^ as she called it, with much curiosity and pleasure ; and as she seemed indisposed to dwell upon the subject, he made no further allusion to her appearance, and concluded that her low spirits proceeded from the v...ery natural regret she must have felt at leaving all her kind friends at Bury mi.
At six o'clock the next morning, our travellers started upon their journey. It was before these rapid railway days — by the way, what becomes of all the time that they save 1 — and when a coach, with four horses, took two days to make the journey from G to Portsmouth.
To those who travel for the sake of tra- ADELAIDE LINDSAY. 95 veiling — travelling, alas! has now lost nearly all its charms.

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