Adventurers All : a Tale of the Philippine Islands in War Time

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" " Yes, sir. " I turned away, and shouted for all the Tumabong men to come to me. They were somewhat uneasy and distrustful at first, not caring to leave their village ; but when I explained what was needed of BRIGADIER HEMINGWAY. 167 them, and why, they followed me readily enough. Most of them possessed a big chopping kris, such as they always used in woodcutting, and hatchets were served out to the others. They brought half a dozen dug-out canoes from beneath the piles of the village houses.... We sprang into them, and were soon paddling down the river at full speed. I knew that there was no time to lose. If once the Spanish boats could force the passage of the river, it would be impossible to defend the Tribunal and its contents from them. Their object would be to destroy it, and the first discharge from their quick-firing guns would probably do so effectually. I made my men understand this, and afterwards I had no reason to complain of their want of zeal. So far, they had taken no active part in the insurrection, beyond pay- ing the tax levied by the leaders on every Filipino.

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Adventurers All : a Tale of the Philippine Islands in War Time
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