After Ariel: It Started As a Game

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The book After Ariel: It Started As a Game was written by author Here you can read free online of After Ariel: It Started As a Game book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is After Ariel: It Started As a Game a good or bad book?
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The endless wait for the CT scan, then the wait for the doctor to stitch my wound, followed by the night-time clatter and laughter of the nurses. The torchlight shining in my eyes, not to mention the constant monitoring of my blood pressure, nearly drove me mad. Of course, I was grateful for the care which was second to none, but exhaustion and grief were threatening depression. ‘You can’t go home until doctor's been and had a look at you,’ announced the nurse, when I whined to leave. I would ca...tch up with my stepfather if I could just get out in time and I was desperate to get home and practice my music.‘That’s quite a knock you’ve had, dear.’ The lump on my temple throbbed, the stitches stung. Why would a stranger deliberately hit me with a rock? A mistake? But how could you mistake a 183cm female musician for someone else? Another 183cm musician? There aren't too many of us around. I remembered the hand tugging at the strap of my handbag. Maybe it was ‘just’ a common or garden mugging.

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