After the Storm

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He was seething on the inside, and he couldn’t even pinpoint the exact target of his rage.
    Seeing Eve—and Cammie—look at him like he was some monster and they were expecting the worst turned his stomach. And Cammie. God. He couldn’t picture her without seeing Charlotte and couldn’t imagine his niece in the same situation.
    He—all of KGI—took a hell of a lot for granted. They shouldn’t. Enough had happened over the years for them to know all too well not to take a single moment with their
...families for granted. And yet it was all too easy to forget the circumstances that others lived in. Despite the fact that they saw the worst in the world on a daily basis.
    As he drove away, he picked up his cell to call Sam to see if he’d contacted Maren—and Steele—but mainly Maren. Because Steele could put up a fight all he wanted, but if Maren wanted to do something, Steele didn’t have a chance. Steele would just make damn sure she wasn’t walking into a dangerous situation, and after what Donovan had witnessed, he knew that there was nothing to fear over Maren going to check on Cammie.

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