Agricultural Accounts (Including Income Tax, As Relating to Agriculture)

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Pigs . .
Arable & Feed- ing Stuffs . .
Hops . .
Pasture and Orcharding. .
Dairy a nd Poultry Sundries I s d 36 2 10 509 £ s d 60 7 4 13 8 10 25 7 6 65 16 3 57 II 7 25 16 10 £ s d i s d 15 50.
16 44 75 70 30 £ s d ID 7 4 £ s d 51 2 10 2 II 2 18 12 5 9 3 9 12 8 5 432 509 A' 3 7 Less 248 8 4 41 3 7 ;C207 + 9 300 10 7 4 Difference between £300 and ^ actual profit j 103 2 7 L'5io 7 4 £92 15 3 The profit made, according to the General Profit and Loss Account, was ^207 4s. pd., which agrees with the D
...epartmental profits, as shown above j but as X. estimated that this should have been ^300, it is necessary to compare the actual results of the departments, as shown abo\-e, with the particulars of X.'s estimate, and, this having been accomplished, and the differences traced to their localities, some interesting and useful information has been obtained.
■ It is clear from the comparison that in e\ery department except " Sheep," X. has over-estimated the profits, and this probably means that he has under-estimated the " cost " side of the Profit and Loss Account, and " depreciation " he probably did not notice at all.

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Agricultural Accounts (Including Income Tax, As Relating to Agriculture)
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