All Hallows' Moon

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The book All Hallows' Moon was written by author Here you can read free online of All Hallows' Moon book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is All Hallows' Moon a good or bad book?
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She couldn’t do it anymore.Her feet slipped on the ice, and she shrieked as she tumbled down the hill. Rocks and branches battered her body. Her clawed hands scrabbled for purchase and found nothing. She bounced over a boulder, ribs giving an audible crack as they met a ridge, and then she hit the bottom in a drift of thick snow.She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t move. It can’t end like this.Something approached her. The heavy thump of footfalls against snow were like nails in a lid of a coffin,... and Gwyn raised her head to stare her hunter in the face.The wolf circled. The hackles on its back had lifted into thick spikes caked with snow, and every huffing breath fogged the frigid air. Chunks of ice were stuck to its lower legs and between its paws. In the bright light of the moon, its fur seemed to sparkle with glitter.It flattened its ears against its skull. Its teeth were already stained with blood.“Is that you?” Gwyneth asked, her voice shaking with cold. Her entire body trembled.

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