All I Want for Christmas is You (Short Story)

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There wasn’t any sleep for her, so she decided to head downstairs. There was no smell of bacon frying, no Christmas carols on the radio, so she had to guess that her mom wasn’t up yet. But it was seven according to her watch. Her mom should have been up by now.She walked past her parents’ room. Nothing but silence behind the shut door.Maddy had managed to ruin Christmas. Fantastic.She crept down the stairs to the kitchen, where her dad stood by the counter, wrapped in his old gray robe, waiting ...for the coffee to brew.“Morning, Mad,” he said with a smile. “Merry Christmas.”“Merry Christmas, Daddy.” She collapsed into his familiar hug, wrapped in his warmth and the smell of Old Spice.“Coffee?”“Sure.”Dougie picked out one of the Christmas mugs and filled it, adding a splash of milk before handing it to her. He poured some for himself and they stood there, watching steam rise from the top of Santa’s ceramic head.“Mom’s not coming down?”“She didn’t sleep last night.”“She’s upset.”Dougie laughed.

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All I Want for Christmas is You (Short Story)
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