American Literature : An Elementary Text-Book for Use in High Schools And Academies

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The book American Literature : An Elementary Text-Book for Use in High Schools And Academies was written by author Here you can read free online of American Literature : An Elementary Text-Book for Use in High Schools And Academies book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is American Literature : An Elementary Text-Book for Use in High Schools And Academies a good or bad book?
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Meanwhile, Holland wrote numerous novels and poems and papers, all of which were successful, and some of them conspicu- ously so. Among them may be mentioned " Miss Gilbert's Career," published in i860, "Plain Talk on Familiar Subjects" (1865), "Kathrina," a poem(i867), "Arthur Bonnicastle" (1871), first published serially in " Scribner's Monthly," "The Mistress of the Manse " ( 1875).
Holland's writings fall into three groups : the poems, the novels, and the papers on every-day morals and duti The latter discuss a wide range of familiar topics, and the style is homely and commonplace. They place the average reader's own best thoughts before him, and it is to this catholic and unpretentious quality that they owe their success. The novels portray the conflict between honest unselfishness and self-seeking greed : the poems combine popular sentiment and morality. All are more or less didactic — they are meant to convey a lesson. None of Holland's writings have literary value : but their wide success shows that literary value is by no means essential to the attainment of popularity : and their freedom from sensationalism and all vicious features is to be commended.

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