An Address On Popular Education

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That boy reads. The money which others would have spent in folly, he expends in books. The hours which others waste in idleness or sleep, he devotes to study. A latin grammar falls into his hands. What can a blacksmith's boy, without a teacher, do with a latin grammar 1 Will he throw aside his hammer and study itl No; he studies it, and still wields his hammer. He becomes of age and begins bnsiness for himself; and still he studies. His pro- gress is silent and unobserved, for he is unknown and... poor. At length the rumor reaches the ears of a man of influence, that the blacksmith loves books. He sends him a key to the public library, and bids him go in and out at will. That key is more precious to him than gold; for it unlocks treasures which he deems far more valuable than shining dust. Year after year might he be seen in that library, poJfring at night over the pages of ancient and modern learning. Still, by day, the sound of his hammer is heard in his shop. He is none the worse blacksmith, because he is versed in fifty languages, and comprehends the profound analy&R of La.

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