An Essay On Mediaeval Economic Teaching

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The following passage from Trithemius, written at the end of the fifteenth century, is interesting as showing how consistently the doctrine of St.
Thomas was adhered to two hundred years after his death, and also that the failure of the rich to put into practice the moderate communism of St. Thomas was the cause of the rise of the heretical communists, who attacked the very foundations of property itself : ' Let the rich remember that their possessions have not been entrusted to them in order t
...hat they may have the sole enjoyment of them, but that they may 1 I. ii. 96, 4, 86 MEDLEVAL ECONOMIC TEACHING use and manage them as property belonging to mankind at large. Let them remember that when they give to the needy they only give them what belongs to them. If the duty of right use and management of property, whether worldly or spiritual, is neglected, if the rich think that they are the sole lords and masters of that which they possess, and do not treat the needy as their brethren, there must of necessity arise an inner shattering of the commonwealth.

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