An Inquiry Into the Feasibility of Introducing Useful Marine Animals Into the Waters of Great Salt Lake

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There is still another variation affecting the lake level locally, although its average level is not disturbed. Under the influence of strong winds the water is rolled up on the shelving lee shores to a height of several feet above the normal water line, while on the oppo- site or windward shores there is a corresponding depression. Even with gentle winds, not exceeding 6 or 8 miles per hour in velocity, the writer has known the water to rise an inch or two on the flats forming the eastern shor
...e of the lake between the deltas of the Bear and Weber rivers.
Each of these variations in the lake's level has an important indirect bearing on the subject of the present investigation, the first two affect- ing the salinity of the lake both generally and locally, while the third has a purely local eftect. It is evident that as. the water rises, during either an annual or a nonperiodical elevation, the general density of the lake water must decrease, for the increased volume is due to the addition of fresh water, and the total quantity of salt in the lake remains practically, though not absolutely, the same.

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