An Introduction to the Geography of Sierra Leone

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An Introduction to the Geography of Sierra Leone
Harold Michell
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Leicester Peak is the catchment area for the main water supply of Freetown ; this supply of water is perhaps the best on the whole West Coast of Africa. It is augmented from a reservoir at the foot of Sugar Loaf in the Babaduri Valley.
The eastern side of the Peninsula sinks towards the mainland and there are considerable tracts of level land. Advantage has been taken of these level spaces to con- struct the railway from Freetown into the Protectorate (the line of least resistance).
The mountai
...ns are of very old formation consisting chiefly of Norite, and generally they are thickly wooded. The Gumah Forest stretches along the range from the slopes of Sugar Loaf towards Kent ; this is one of the few remaining tracts of virgin forest remaining in the Colony.
The general rocky nature of the soil is not well adapted to cultivation, but a certain amount of farm- ing is carried on in the neighbourhood of the villages such as at Gloucester, Eegent, Sussex, Kent, and so on. Excellent coJBFee is grown on the slopes, and cassava, a staple food of the people, is cultivated wherever there is a small patch w^iich will lend itself to the purpose.

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An Introduction to the Geography of Sierra Leone
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