Ann H. Judson. a Memorial

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Judson sat all day long, crying to the passers-by, " Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye," etc. The second was the middle room, large and airy, and the one used for public worship in Burmese on the Sabbath. This one Mrs. Judson also occupied as a school-room, and there she sat through the long school hours of the tropical days, patiently instructing a few pupils on their blackboards — large slates made black with charcoal and the juice of a leaf — and conversing with the women who called. She... also held a meeting every Wednesday evening with the women.
This was a very bold effort on the part of the mis- sionaries. They introduced the new religion in a con- spicuous manner, yet not in an ostentatious way, by taking their position on Pagoda Road, which was con- stantly filled with natives going to worship. These idolaters' minds were necessarily occupied with thoughts and sentiments of religion, and being naturally in- quisitive, it seemed that many of them would stop to inquire into the new religion, even at the risk of their lives.

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