Annals of Anatomy And Surgery

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Annals of Anatomy And Surgery
Anatomical And Surgical Society (U.S.)
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Male, aged 24; habits good; good family history; injury due to direct violence. Wound of soft parts one by one and a half inches at junction of lower and middle thirds, leading to the seat of fracture. A piece of bone one inch in length, comprising the whole thickness of the tibia, was removed; much displace- ment of fragments, one and a half inch shortening ; limb much swollen, suppurating, containing maggots. First put in fracture box and confined by the blanket padding. On ac- count of great... tendency to displacement of the fragments, a plaster of Paris splint was applied extending to the knee, sep- arated from the limb by three layers of cotton batting. Ex- tension was applied to the splint to overcome shortening.
This reduced the shortening to one inch. It was removed, however, on account of pain, which it caused at heel and in- Digitized by V^OOQIC PLASTER OF PARIS IN COMPOUND FRACTURES, 153 Step. The splint was then removed, and the extension applied to the bare foot, over which a splint was again placed (see Fig.

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