Announcement for the Academic Year

Cover Announcement for the Academic Year
Announcement for the Academic Year
University of Arizona
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The University is supported by funds supplied by the United States Government and the Territory of Ari- zona. By the provisions of the Morrill Act of 1890, the University receives annually from the United States the sum of $25,000 for the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, established in accordance with the Act of July 2, 1862. For the support of the Agricultural Ex- periment Station the University receives from the same source an annual appropriation of $15,000 by the Act of Congress of
... 1887, known as the Hatch Act; and $5,000 (for 1906-7, with an annual increase of $2,000) by the Adams Act of 1906. The Territory of Arizona provides the proceeds of a 3-5 mill tax on the assessed valuation of property of the Territory, which in 1905 amounted in round numbers to $27,000. Besides these sums, the University receives from year to year by special grants of the Territorial legislative Assembly, appropriations for specific purposes. $20,000 was thus voted for the years 1905 and 1906, to be devoted to minor buildings, improvements, repairs, publications, etc.

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