Annual Report And Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club

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Annual Report And Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club
Belfast Naturalists Field Club
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others, J. Vinycomb, R. LI. Praeger, Starkie Gardner, Robert May, Rev. C. H. Waddell, etc., and the last decade was embarked on at the high tide of prosperity, and as the old Museum was inadequate to meet the growth of the Club, the Conversazione changed its locality to the Exhibition Hall.
In 1893 the Club lost, in a great measure, the assistance of one of its best workers by Mr. Praeger being transferred to Dublin, but he never forgot his old friends and association, and has given ma
...ny a helping hand since. Personally I have found him a most generous and helping friend, always ready to give his information in a manner that made it a pleasure to ask for it.
We find in the Session 1894-5 that the Geological Section organised a course of lectures by Professor G. A. J. Cole, and the Botanical Section was successful in the course of lectures by Professor T. Johnson, of Dublin. These were steps in the right direction, and I strongly urge the Club to consider now if it cannot carry on the same work.

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