Annual Report, Cornish, New Hampshire 1906

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A. Johnson, hearse driver, 29 50 Elwin Qnimby. auditor, 6 00 G. E. Fairbanks, health officer, 50 G. W. Hunt, ic ci 2 50 O. A. Kelly, librarian, 15 00 E. O. Day, auditor, 6 00 Paul Davidson, clerk, 25 00 R. A. Austin, selectman, 62 70 E. W. Qnimby, '' 85 00 J. B. Chadbourne, " 104 00 Edmund B. Hunt, treasurer, 25 00 Josiah Davis, collector, 75 00 $ 506 75 SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS.
G. L, Deming, school board, $ 35 00 S. K. Richardson, school enumerator, 8 00 F, C. Pardy, school board, • 35 00 Ali
...ce O. F. Young, 40 00 $ 118 00 * Unexpended balance of money for library rooms, $ 214 95 Paid Julia B. Deming, rent, % 10 00 " O. A. Kelly, '' 10 00 Balance on hand, $ 194 95 RECAPITULATION^.
I 20 00 Total amount received from all sources.
$ 11,150 58 Amount of orders drawn for Support of schools.
$ 1,997 50 '' county paupers, 289 05 '' town '' 620 92 " highways, 2,727 32 Roller, 65 00 Incidentals, 5,134 25 14 Damage done by dogs, Cemeteries, Abatement of taxes, Town officers.
School district officers, Library rooms, Balance against the town.

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Annual Report, Cornish, New Hampshire 1906
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