Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1909

Cover Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1909
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MORSE 1909 C. W. Morse 85 ON HOLLOW BRIDGE Nov. W. D. Brooks and team, 6 days ^18 00 Dec. Edwin Bowles and team to Littleton 6 00 Nov. J. C. Pease, 4 days 6 00 Nov. D. K. Bowles, 2 days 3 00 $S3 00 June C. P. Bowles, lumber $ 75 June Blacksmithing 3 30 May Blacksmithing 90 June Spikes 80 Oct. Smokestack for culvert 6 00 $xi 75 School Report We have had in this part of the town thirty weeks, each, in No.
1 and No. 2, with Miss Ethel M. Knight for the year in No.
2 and Miss Blanche P. Williams, s
...pring term, and Miss Julia E.
Glazier, fall and winter terms, in No. i. They are all good teachers, and the scholars have made marked advancement.
There have been few absences, except for sickness, and the pupils in both schools are interested, and working.
On petition of Miss Williams, the school board hired an organ last spring, and finding it so much help, have decided to purchase a small one, which at small expense will materially aid in No. i, where there are scholars who can use it.
The Wild wood school is a difficult problem.

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Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1909
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