Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1927

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Brown, ballot inspector Helen J. Young, auditor Jeannette R. Young, ballot clerk one meeting W. A. Judd, ballot inspector Helen J. Young, ballot inspector two meetings $ 7 50 41 79 25 00 38 00 34 00 75 00 17 00 12 00 77 00 8 21 3 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 $361 50 ROAD AGENT'S REPORT 13 71 9 83 1 33 4 00 W. A. JUDD, Road Agent Labor on Town Roads February 1 to March 9 W. A. Judd, labor $ 2 33 Albert Judd and team Percy Leighton and team Roy Judd Jerry Davis, labor Total ?31 20 W. D. ...BROOKS, Road Agent Labor on Town Road From March to June W. D. Brooks and team ? 70 53 W. D. Brooks, money paid for shovel handle and new steeling picks and sharpening C. L. Thayer, labor Roy Judd, labor Arthur Pease for gravel Ezra Dickinson and team Albert Judd and team Eddie Bowles, labor L. E. Brown, labor Total $159 78 Labor in June W. D. Brooks and team $ 71 50 Albert Judd, labor S3 00 3 00 23 16 14 16 3 00 13 32 29 64 99 1 98 14^^ C. L. Thayer, labor Tilden Day and team C. A. Young for gravel Arthur Pease for gravel Total Labor from August to November W.

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Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1927
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