Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1930

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Special Chapter 256: P. H. Bowles, labor $786 64 Detail 16: Establishing corner between Wood- stock and Easton $5 00 PAYMENTS TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL DIVISIONS Detail 17: State tax balance $327 54 State tax was $514.80 but state credited us with savings bank tax of $187.26 Total $327 54 Detail 18: County tax $490 20 Detail 19: School District tax $1,925 00 Dog license due school district $ 34 55 16 Detail 20: Libraries $50 00 Detail 21: Cost paid collector on land bought by town $6 38 Grand Total... $9,394 99 TAXES BOUGHT BY TOWN Sarah Dustin Heirs, less cost of $3.19 $10 29 J. B. Davis Heirs, less cost of $3.19 $20 57 Total $30 86 LIST OF ABATEMENTS AND DISCOUNTS Mrs. Charles Caldwell, not here $ 2 00 Mrs. Edward Leighton, over age 2 00 Clint Hill, taxed to other party 5 40 Discount of 2% allowance 74 15 Total $83 55 ROAD AGENT'S REPORT ION WHITCOMB, Road Agent Ion Whitcomb, self, team and truck $182 23 Stanley Darvid, labor George Bellen, labor Walter Bellen, labor H. F. Jones, for gravel Percy Leighton, labor Mattie Pease, for gravel Total $320 79 W.

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Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1930
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