Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1950

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S.S ft! >^^c .S^ CQ T! j_^ 2 S C-So < ogee's cs CO •« n ■" T ^ ►H c3 3 ce c3 3 § cqcqHcoco 5 r-i cj co' ■** in o H CQ 2 ;3 u aaj §•0 tQ^- poo pop coo cop O O'lft OO cop ^'in i-H •^'~ O O pp 00 CO do in^_ CO t-* o o o ppp cooo ppp do in oo cop CO in d o CO T-^-TtT oo poo o p d 00 CO in woo d a C3 03 < W M .2 > CQIQ < «2 0-2 M CS o C i-i 3 a (^ HHcQ t3 • • • •-; to t- 00 cc to « « a tC 27 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950 RECEIPTS Cash on hand, July 1, 1949 $ 419.52 State Aid 1,752.94 Federal Aid: Forest Reserve 336.27 Appropriation from Selectmen 2,051.29 Bal. of Previous Appropriation 225,00 Dog Licenses 50.80 $4,835.82 PAYMENTS Orders of the School Board $4,712.87 Cash on hand, June 30, 1950 122.95 $4,835.82 July 1, 1950 to January 15, 1951 RECEIPTS Balance on hand, July 1, 1950 $ 122.95 Appropriations from Selectmen 2,432.91 State Aid 1,200.58 $3,756.44 PAYMENTS Orders of the School Board $2,114.30 Cash on hand, January 15, 1951 1,642.14 $3,756.44 28 E ASTON BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1950 ASSETS Cash on hand, June 30, 1950 $122.95 Accounts due the District : From Town 606.75 $729.70 LIABILITIES Excess of Assets over Liabilities $729.70 29 ANNUAL REPORT OF DISTRICT TREASURER Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1950 Cash on hand, June 30, 1949 $ 419.52 Received from Selectmen: Appropriation for current year $2,051.29 Bal.

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Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 1950
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