Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 2001

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One is a "housekeeping" matter concerning a map reference defining the aquifer protection district, the second enables the town to impose an impact fee on developers if excessive wear on town roads is anticipated as a result of development, and the third requires that when lots in a subdivision are subject to conditions affecting the town, for example road maintenance agreements, the terms of the conditions will be written into the deed for each lot in the subdivision.
In addition, the Board re
...quested a Town Meeting Warrant Article creating a land use reserve fund for revenue received from the use change tax when land is taken out of current use. A number of towns in the state have adopted similar provisions, which enable a town to be pro-active in creative ways to save woodlands, and particularly the agricultural fields that are a signature of Easton. Federal, state and private funds are available to assist communal efforts to maintain the character of our town without creating a financial burden.

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Annual Report for the Town of Easton, New Hampshire 2001
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