Annual Report of the Board of Education 1868-69

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The following form will best explain the method : — School Certificate, 1869. — For the third term of the year ending Sept. 30.
This certifies that has completed on this day of the term of three months in school in accordance with the pro-, visions of the law. M. W. Tewksbury, Supt. of Schools.
Directions. — This certificate is good until the first of July, 1870. It is to be taken by the Overseer when the child is employed, retained during the time that he is at work and given to him when he le
...aves to obtain work elsewhere or to attend school.
No child under fifteen years of age has a right to be employrd in any manu- facturing establishment unless he can present such a certificate to the employer.
Certificates of 1868 are good until the child is called out of the mills to attend school in 1869.
While I would return sincere thanks to agents and owners for their hearty cooperation in this work, and for the time and attention which they have devoted to it, without which the plan could not have been SCHOOL COMMITTEES' REPORTS.

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Annual Report of the Board of Education 1868-69
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