Annual Report of the Quartermaster- General of the State of New Jersey, for the Year 1864 1864

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The book Annual Report of the Quartermaster- General of the State of New Jersey, for the Year 1864 1864 was written by author Here you can read free online of Annual Report of the Quartermaster- General of the State of New Jersey, for the Year 1864 1864 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Annual Report of the Quartermaster- General of the State of New Jersey, for the Year 1864 1864 a good or bad book?
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Doctor W. AV. Bowlbj, Surgeon 3d Cavalry Regiment, N. J. Vols.
30 woolen blankets, worn.
43 iron bedsteads, worn.
37 bed ticks, worn.
34 pillow ticks, worn.
58 pillow cases, woru.
61 muslin sheets, worn.
13 counterpanes, worn.
Capta"n Samuel Mulford, agent for city Trenton.
2 recruiting flags, worn.
George A. Bennett, Recruiting Agent.
1 recruiting, flag, worn.
Jos. Bower, Recruiting Agent.
1 recruiting flag, worn.
Colonel C. Yan Yorst, Superintendent Jersey City Hospital.
71 pairs trousers, in
...fantry, new.
31 woolen blankets, new.
23 flannel shirts, new.
21 pairs stockings, new.
19 ])airs canton flannel drawers, new.
20 forage caps, new.
36 pairs bootees, new.
56 flannel sack coats, unlined, new.
6 uniform coats, infantry, new.
6 pairs metallic shoulder scales, new.
84 pillow cases, new.
51 counterpanes, new.
79 sheets, new.
41 bedsteads, wooden, new, 31 bedsteads, iron, new.
JS'ames of Contractors and others, and articles furnished hy each.
Uniform coats, infantry — Halsey, Hunter & Co, and X.

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