Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick

Cover Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick
Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick
New Brunswick. Board of Education
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The total attendance for the half year has been thirty- three, viz., twenty boys and thirteen girls representing the following counties.
Albert 1 Queens 2 Carleton 5 Restigouche 2 Charlotte 1 St. John 4 Kings 5 Westmorland ^^ Madawaska 1 York 3 Prince Edward Island 1 The closing exercises illustrating the work of the session were held at the Institution and considerable interest was manifested in the proceedings, the house being filled to overflowing with distinguished and appreciative visitors
... from Fredeiicton, Gibson, Marysville, St. John^Moncton, Florenceville, Digby„ Winnipeg and other places.
The Hon. Judge Gregory presided and among the visitors were the Very^ Rev. Dean Partridge, D. D., Canon Roberts, D. D., the genial Secretary of the Institution, J. D. PhiUney, K. C, Messrs. Havelock Coy, H. C. Creed and other members of the Committee.
The afternoon's program was received with much appreciation and all expressed themselves as delighted with tvidences of careful instruction shown by the pupils.

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Annual Report of the Schools of New Brunswick
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