Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1894

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Greenwood, carrying scholars, Feb, 23. C.C.Foster, teaching 12 weeks, Village District, winter term board included, 120 00 " Ethel Baker, teaching 12 weeks.
Village District, winter term 57 00 " Blanche G. Whitney, teaching 12 wrecks, Nutter District, winter term, board included, 75 00 12 20 14 34 46 50 24 00 12 00 8 00 2 75 22 00 2 00 13 •50 24 00 TOWN REPORT. 21 Feb. 23, Psiid Susie D. Pike, teaching 12 weeks, Swift water District, win- ter term, board included, 78 00 " Lena F. Mann, teaching
... 12 weeks, Hibbard District, winter term, 45 00 " Carrie M. Johnson, teaching 12 weeks Pollard District, winter term, board included, 54 00 " • Jennie E. Gibson, teaching 12 weeks, Carbee District, winter term, 42 00 " Kate E. Atwood, teaching 12 weeks, Weeks District, winter term, " S. E. Randall, for schools and cash paid out, " S. E. Randall, for stamps and stationery, " Sam Chase, services janitor, " Geo. Kendall, services janitor, " Mrs. S. E. Randall, boarding teacher 12 weeks, " CM. Hibbard, boarding teach- er 12 weeks, " Levi Bisbee, banking school house, *

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1894
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