Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1918

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$36.00 Young's Garage, lighting Swiftwater bridge.
1917 12.00 F. P. Wells, electric lamps for bridge .54 $48.54 Detail 13 — General expenses of highway department.
R. T. Bartlett. insurance on Swiftwater bridge $7.50 F. P. Dearth, insurance on Bath bridge 45.00 Chester Abbott: Insurance on Woodsville bridge 7.50 Insurance on Jackman bridge 7.50 S. J. Burton, rent of winter road, 2 years. . . . 60.00 S. M. Chamberlin. rent of winter road 5.00 W. H. Deming, freight on boiler from Lisbon to Bath (
...Town paid freight rather than have boiler taken across bridge) 10.00 F. L. Blake, road machine, less freight and cost of setting up. . . $254.51 B. & M. R. R.. freight on road ma- chine 15.49 J. B. Hibbard, setting up machine. 5.00 $215.00 Ada S. Morse, housing town tools 5.00 N. B. Foster, water trough abatement 1.50 Chas. D. Atwood, water trough abatement. . 3.00 James H. Mitchell Est., water trough abate- ment 3.00 H. S. Lang, water trough abatement 3.00 Leon H. Deming, water trough abatement.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1918
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