Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1926

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Rutledge, 3 5-9 days, 15 lbs. of spike, D. S. Reed, 28 cedar posts, E. J. Ross, 448 ft. of spruce railing, $2,030 99 Statement of State Aid Construction Account : Balance from 1924, $162 29 State appropriation, 1925, 513 60 Town appropriation, 1925, 1,284 00 Overdraft (paid by town) 71 10 101 17 102 67 116 28 34 67 18 00 31 67 36 00 90 67 89 34 81 67 38 50 18 00 54 34 108 90 6 50 13 75 16 01 3 80 45 60 10 66 90 7 00 17 00 $2,030 99 Detail 25. Lands and Buildings : Paid B. W. Clark for a tract o...f land contain- ing about two acres and known as the 38 Tewksbury orchard, situated on the road that formerly led past the Linus M. Hib- bard place, so called, $85 00 (This land was purchased to enable the town to discontinue said road, as voted at the March meeting in 1925.) Detail 26. Payments on Temporary Loans : Lisbon Savings Bank & Trust Co., $4,500 00 Detail 27. Payments on Long Term Notes : Lisbon Savings Bank & Trust Co., note due Dec. 31, 1925, $500 00 Detail 28. Taxes Paid to State: State tax for 1925, $2,055 00 $2 on each $5 poll tax collected during the year, as follows: 1921 poll taxes, 7, 14 00 1922 poll taxes, 19, 38 00 1924 poll taxes, 92, 184 00 $2,291 00 Detail 29.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1926
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