Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1941

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July 12, 1940.
41 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS To the School Board and Citizens of the Bath Union High School District: I herewith present my eleventh annual report as superintendent of schools.
1939-1940 Enrollment Elementary 44 High school 31 Non-resident pupils High school 16 Pupils for whom tuition was paid in elementary schools outside of district 2 Per cent of attendance 95.19 Instances of tardiness 110 School visits by board members 1 School visits by superintendent 87 School visi
...ts by citizens 29 Roll of honor for perfect attendance: Velma Houston David Johnson Roger Tewksbury Marilyn Whitcomb Kathryn Haynes Roger Ruggles Neil Estes Guy Haynes Donald Wheeler Carol Whitcomb Promoted June 1940 from eight grade to high school: John Henderson Harry Tewksbury John Whitney Mary Woolson In connection with the work in health supervision the school nurse reported as follows : Treated or Defects corrected Underweight 15 Defective Vision 7 5 Defective Hearing 1 1 Diseased Tonsils 4 2 Adenoids 7 2 42 School visits 23 Home calls 30 1940-1941 Enrollment to date Elementary 37 High school 21 Non-resident pupils High school 9 Bath residents attending school in Lisbon 2 Bath residents attending school in Woodsville 1 TEACHERS High school: Sherman H.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1941
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