Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1942

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14 — Genera!! Expense Highway Dept.
Grange Mutual Insurance Co. $132.00 F. P. Dearth Insurance Agency 45.00 R. L. Hill, winter road 30.00 Bartlett Insurance Agency, liability insurance 202.20 $409.20 Detail No. 15 — Libraries 1941 Appropriation $350.00 Detail No. 16 — Old Age Assistance Evaline Braley $ 71.25 Martha Brill 58.75 Charles Chellew 46.75 Katie Dearth 81.00 Charles Ingerson 1.25 Charles Johnson 26.75 William Streeter 90.00 Mrs. Vance 109.38 $485.13 Detail No. 17 — Town Poor Mrs. Doug
...las, Ann Young $ 90.00 Louis Bedard 365.98 Arthur Greenwood 20.00 Charles Johnson 106.00 Dexter Whitcomb 35.15 Nellie Woods 17.50 Arthur Hutchins 138.00 Ella Streeter 35.00 Robert Nelson 3.00 $810.63 27 Detail No. 18— County Poor Tim Blake $ 21.00 Harry Ruggles 10.59 $ 31.59 Detail No. 19 — Memorial Day Flags $ 4.43 Detail No. 20 — Parks and Playgrounds A. J. Woods $ 10.00 Detail No. 21 — Cemeteries General care, Bath Village, West Bath and Pettj^boro Cemeteries $175.50 General care Swiftwater cemetery 34.20 General care, Carbee cemetery 12.00 Supplies 8.17 S.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1942
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