Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1957

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Financing themselves through a very successful Turkey Supper and some donations, they bought a Boyer Pumping engine capable of putting out 500 gallons per minute. This too has been entirely overhauled and is ready for action, only being limited by an inadequate supply of 2% inch hose.
The town can be justly appreciative of these men who have given their time and energies to an im- portant cause.
Along with the above mentioned men the following have been of great assistance: Jasper Ide, Elwin Cl
...ough, Harry Poor, Lawrence Chase, Linwood Tewks- bury, John Poor, Harry Whitcomb, Arthur Burt, John Whitney and many others who helped in converting 37 the unused Town Hall cellar into an acceptable Fire House.
R. V. ARMSTRONG E. P. CHAMBERLIN C. C. NIHAN Selectmen of Bath 38 REPORT OF TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS Receipts and Disbursements for the Year Ended December 31, 1957 RECEIPTS Balance on hand January 1, 1957 $730.43 Income from trust funds 769.63 $1,500.06 DISBURSEMENTS Paid: Bath School District $ 31.66 Library 5.60 Congregational Society 248.02 Town of Bath 647.04 Balance on hand December 31, 1957 567.74 $1,500.06 A.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1957
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