Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1959

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Street Lighting Conn. Valley Elec. Co. $580.00 Detail 17. General Expenses of Highway Dept.
Interstate Equip. Co., Sander $300.00 Interstate Equip. Co., Repairs and Parts 1,066.21 82.25 237.50 111.00 12.00 2.92 67.72 3.00 $682.40 $404.47 137.63 134.18 51.85 $728.13 $5,692.13 $21,041.93 $1,366.21 Detail 19. Libraries Scruggs Hardware, Labor $8.90 W. J. Larty, Fuel 7.80 38 Olga Armstrong, Library Appro.
625.00 $645.70 Detail 20. Old Age Assistance Treas., State of N. H.
$349.02 Detail 21. Town Po
...or Galen Wilson $20.00 Stark 4.13 A. Young, Jr.
65.22 $89.35 Detail 22. Parks and Playgrounds George Woods, Mowing Common $8.00 Detail 23. Cemeteries Henry Lang, Labor $790.10 Arthur Burt, Labor 182.75 Arthur Young, Labor 316.52 Mt. Gardner Grange, care Carbee 13.13 Ora Fields, Refund on Lot 25.00 Wirthmore Stores, Supplies 4.30 Scruggs Hardware, Supplies 1.80 Armstrong & Botsford, Labor 14.50 Stymest Co., Gas 13.45 $1,361.55 ($536.38 was received from the trustees of the trust funds and used upon the lots for which the funds were established.) Detail 24.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1959
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