Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1962

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Schools Alden Minot, Treas.
60-61 appropriation $25,943.92 61-62 appropriation 5,000.00 $ 30,943.92 TOTAL PAYMENTS $109,509.57 AUDITOR'S REPORT This is to certify that I have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements, and other records of all Bath Town officers, the above being a true summary for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1962, and found them correct in all respects.
HOLMAN C. WHITNEY Auditor Feb. 8, 1963 40 LIBRARY REPORT Receipts Balance on hand $ 866.64 Town Appropriation 700.00 Tr
...ust Fund 7.03 TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,573.67 Expenditures Books $ 418.17 Periodicals 62.15 Insurance 28.56 Cleaning 2.50 Librarian's Salary 200.00 Supplies 21.54 Lighting, labor and fixtures 287.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Balance on hand $1,020.42 $ 553.25 PHOEBE CARR LOUISE BAILEY OLGA ARMSTRONG Library Trustees 41 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Resources Number of bound volumes, January, 1962 10,001 Number of volumes added by gift or purchase 170 Number of magazines 17 Circulation Volumes of adult non-fiction loaned 737 Volumes of juvenile non-fiction loaned 583 Volumes of adult fiction loaned 2,209 Volumes of juvenile fiction loaned 2,470 Adult magazines loaned 673 Juvenile magazines loaned 281 In addition to our own purchases the State Book- mobile has made available over 800 volumes, in addi- tion to what has been borrowed directly from the State Library.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1962
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