Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1973

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PAUL STIMSON IRENE SIEGMUND LUIGI J. CASTELLO Trustees of Trust Funds $ 1,824.28 49 REPORT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT — 1973 Feb. 3 — Upper Village (pumped cellars) Feb. 4 — Upper Village (pumped cellars) April 4 — Philip Roy (electrical fire) May 16 — Agway Fire, Woodsville (Mutual Aid) June 14 — Philip Roy (fire caused by lightning) July 1 — Upper Village (pumped cellars) July 1 — Winifred Sargent (pumped cellar) Aug. 17 — Richard Weinberg (car fire) Oct. 1 — Dump fire Dec. 21 — Dave White (pumped ce...llar) Dec. 22 — Dave White (pumped cellar) Dec. 22 — Stearns Morse (pumped cellar) Dec. 22 — John Harrington (pumped cellar) 1973 proved to be a quiet year as far as fires are con- cerned, but the Fire Dept. found its equipment needed by many who found their cellars and homes flooded by an unusually wet year.
In June Chief Lamarre resigned as chief due to per- sonal reasons, but is still a member of the Dept. and is still serving the town as Fire Warden. Dennis Chase served as acting chief until Dec.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1973
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