Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1978

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Dec. 8 — Merton Tewksbury — Chimney fire.
Dec. 23 — William Raismussens — House fire.
Dec. 25 — William Raismussens — Hay smoldering.
On Nov. 12, 1978 the Twin State Mutual Aid Radio System went on the air for the first time. This system has proved very useful on Mutual Aid fires to date, although there are still bugs to iron out before the system reaches its full effectiveness. It allows for rapid communication when help is needed from a neighboring department at a fire and allows for departme
...nts on a working fire to have constant communication with each other. This gives fire fighters a better opportunity to deploy equipment and men at a fire to reach greater degrees of efficiency from both.
New equipment added during 1978 includes: 2 one hundred foot lengths of IVa" hose and 4 fifty foot lengths of 2V2' hose. Four spot lights were purchased to mount on our two tank trucks.
Due to the generous donation of $800.00 from the Ammonoosuc Grange, Swiftwater, we were able to purchase 12 badly needed Fire Coats and a dozen pair of mittens.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1978
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