Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1979

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NCC has also been active in helping local companies with loan applications and business counseling, and in assisting a targeted community with a revolving loan fund. Additional business development services will be provided during the coming year to encourage existing area and other in-state businesses to expand or locate so that more jobs can be provided in the North Country. An industrial brochure has been pubhshed which promotes the quality of life in the region and the resources available f...or small companies.
Local planning assistance, such as master planning, subdivision regulations, zoning, review of development proposals continues to be a major function of the Council. This activity will take on greater significance with the NH Supreme Court's emphasis on local master planning as a basis for local regulations.
Technical reports have been prepared on Mt. Washington Valley's Seasonal Population and on wetland evaluation and management. Brief and informative fact sheets on community investment strategies, land capability and wetlands are also available.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1979
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