Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1980

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Article 6. A motion was made by Herbert Chamberlain, Jr. and seconded by Ernest Roy that the Article be passed over. The Aye-No was declared in the affirmative.
Article 7. The motion was made by Herbert Chamberlain, Jr. and seconded by Alden Minot that the reports of School Board, Auditor, Committees, etcetera be accepted as printed in the Town Report. The Aye-No was declared affirmative.
Article 8. A motion was made by Patricia Roy to see if the Bath School " District will vote to raise and ap
...propriate the sum of $5,062.50 to tuition, on a voluntary basis, to a public kindergarten, any eligible child with the full knowledge and understanding that the parents and/or guardian is responsible to provide transportation of said child, and that the voting on this article be by ballot. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Currier. In discussing this article, speakers were Mary Badger, Robert Stewart, William Minot, Roland Currier, Betty Minot and Dianna Ash. Superintendent Mullen was called upon to speak and clarify certain questions, such as "Is this for only one year, or are we voting on a permanent set-up for kindergarten?" The results of the vote taken by paper ballot was: Total number of Votes Cast 91 Yes 44 No 47 The article was declared defeated by the Moderator.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1980
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