Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1985

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Come on down and use your library.
Sincerely, Edna R. Stein, Librarian THE BATH VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT The Bath Volunteer Fire Department (BVFD) was involved in a variety of activities during 1985. BVFD has received the strong support of the Town of Bath for which we are all appreciative. The Department has been successful in its recent recruiting efforts and has a roster of 14 active Fire Fighters. Training is a key ingredient and will continue to be stressed in the furture. BVFD by-laws wh
...ich were introduced in 1985 require that all fire fighters attend classes on their own time each year in order to remain in the Department.
The Department had its pumper, which is the primary fire attack vehicle, rebuilt and renovated. This brings this key piece of equipment back up to "new truck" specifications and will extend its useful life considerably. This work was accomplished at less than the approved budget.
The BVFD is an active participant in Twin State Mutual Aid. This facility keeps the BVFD in close working partnership with the Fire Departments in the near by communities.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1985
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