Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1988

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With all this activity, it soon became apparent that a year is a very short time. In order to complete our given task in the alloted year we adopted a schedule of weekly work meetings.
Your responses to the two questionnaires circulated by the Planning Board in previous years were the basis for the Town Master Plan adopted August 19, 1987. In turn, the proposed Land Use Regulations have been drafted in an effort to implement the goals and objectives of that Plan. Members of the Board have spent
... countless hours in weekly meetings putting together the various elements of the proposal. We have used the master Plan as a guide and have researched the zoning proposals of other towns large and small, near and far.
In addition, we have had assistance from the Regional Planning Agency, the North Country Council. We have also had the ordinance reviewed by our attorney Laurence F. Gardner, to assure legal conformity with the laws of the land.
On January 11, 1989 the first Public Hearing was held to acquaint townspeople with the work that had been done and to gather ideas and suggestions for improvement as well as to answer questions that people might have.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1988
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