Annual Reports of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire 1937

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H. Bean for use of truck to haul pump to Lawrence 8.85 Earle Davis for use of compressor 97.50 Harriet Newell, culvert pipe 56.98 F. G. Benson, truck and labor 53.76 Laura Johnston, cold patch, tar and labor 55.20 Watts Pillsbury, tar and labor 72.00 A. P. Bogle, refunds on payroll 60.47 W. D. Carr, tar, sand and labor 25.44 Bertrand Peabody, tar, sand and labor 10.08 E. W. Ross & Son, tar and mixer 12.71 M. C. Coleman, tar, sand and labor 11.34 W. E. Hutton, tar, sand and labor 10.23 A. B. She...pard, tar and labor 13.38 George Chase, tar, sand and labor 10.00 Mrs. Manuel, tar, sand and labor 7.72 H. P. Nelson, Chester, tar 8.40 Walter Putney, tar for Lichtenstein's 5.90 Mr. Gilcreast for Farmer's Exchange, plowing snow 6.25 Derry Electric 11.76 C. H. Hood, cold patch 6.17 E. B. Starrett, cold patch 4.41 Charles Huson, cold patch 5.00 Wilson Wells, tar 6.10 Milo Chase, supplies 2.00 H. D. Woods, plowing driveway 1.85 Clifford Linberge, repairing guard rail 7.00 H. W. Ross, refunds on payroll .

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Annual Reports of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire 1937
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