Annual Reports of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire 1939

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1960 32,000.00 $116,470.07 302.50 Accrued Interest Reserves for Depreciation 64,368.83 Profit or Loss 10,135.92 Total Liabilities $191,277.32 75 STATEMENT OB^ OPERATIONS icome 1 Commercial Sales $115,567.58 Industrial Sales 1,631.49 Hydrant Rentals 5,035.0'0 Municipal Buildings 89.32 Miscellaneous Labor & Supplies income 769.41 Total $23,092.80 "Water Supply Expenses Labor and Expense at Wells $660.36 Pumping Station wages 1,230.16 Pumping Station supplies and expense 355.79 Electric power 1,82...3.92 Repairs Pumping Station 119.40 Distribution Expenses Superintendents Salary $1,820.00 Miscellaneous Labor 635.62 Repairs Mains 120.11 Repairs Services 439.52 Repairs Hydrants 156.10 Repairs Meters 709.84 Repairs Equipment 113.18 Miscellaneous Supplies 162.56 Commercial Expenses Office Salaries and Expense $949.10 'Meter Reading Salaries 228.00 Commissioners Salaries 200.00 Public Service Commission 31.26 General Expenses Insurance $252.00 Shop Expe'nse 6.75 Garage Expense 272.55 7R $4,189.63 $4,156.93 $1,408.36 $531.80 Interest Paid $3,093.75 Bonds Paid 5,500.00 New Construction Mains $182.46 Services SOT.ia Hydrants 222.15 Meters 295.34 New Equipment 267.25 Improvement to House 504.38 ?,593.75 $1,778.70 Total Expenses and New Construction $20,658.

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Annual Reports of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire 1939
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