Annual Reports of the Town of Dublin, New Hampshire 1984

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The cost thereof has been recorded as an expenditure at the time individual inventory items were purchased .
H . Accumulated Unpaid Vacation and Sick Pay Accumulated unpiiid vacation and sick pay is not accrued in the governmental fui. is using the modified accrual basis of accounting.
Employees may accumulate ninety days sick leave at a rate of 1-1/4 days per month.
Vacation is granted in varying amounts based on length of service.
Vacation pay accumulation does not exceed a normal year's allo
...wance. Accumulated sick leave is indeterminable.
I. Taxes Collected For Others '' The property taxes collected by the Town include taxes levied for the Contoocook Valley School District and Cheshire County which are remitted to these governmental units as required by law. The ultimate responsibility for the collection of taxes rests with the Town. The payments are recorded in the general fund as intergovernmental transfers .
J . Property Taxes The National Council on Governmental Accounting, Interpretation 3, referring to property tax revenue recognition, requires disclosure if property taxes receivable, which are to be collected beyond a period of 60 days subsequent to December 31, 1984, are recognized on the balance sheet and not reserved.

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Annual Reports of the Town of Dublin, New Hampshire 1984
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