Another Scandal in Bohemia

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said my friend Sherlock Holmes as he pitched the Daily Telegraph Agony Column into a sagging tent on the footstool. “Crime has taken a holiday. No evil-doers of any imagination whatsoever remain in London. I edge more perilously close to boredom every hour.”“What of the continuing atrocities in Whitechapel?” I asked in a mild tone. Now that I was married and residing in my own establishment, I took Holmes’s dramatic outbursts of despair in stride. I could afford to, since I could easily leave th...em behind for the more tranquil company of my dear wife Mary in peaceful Paddington.Holmes cast himself across the chamber in one great lunge to stare gloomily out of the bow window, reminding me of a house-bound boy in need of suitable occupation.“You know my opinion of that sad string of events, Watson. The Whitechapel Ripper is likely no more than a disenchanted ticket-taker seeking a bit of attention.”“He has certainly achieved it.” I eyed the latest sensational sketches in the Illustrated Police News with a physician’s scorn for the crude anatomical renderings.

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