Anvil of Stars

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"If he accepts my resignation, that's fine by me," he said. "But why did he pick Rex? Rex is not the smartest person on the ship. He knows nothing about leadership."Martin held back the most obvious and the darkest answer he could think of: Rex won't say no.Hans kept to the back of the cafeteria, smiling benignly. Rosa stood on a table; sixty-three of the crew listened intently."In two days," she said, "we'll meet our new colleagues… What will they be like? What will they think and believe? How ...can we accommodate them? Interact with them? What are we, to them!"The crew did not answer. Martin sat a few meters from Hans, beside Harpal and Ariel. Hans winked at Martin.Rosa looked radiant; the beauty of intense compassion, of selflessness. Awkward Rosa had melted finally, giving way to a new woman; had the defining moment occurred in Hans' arms? Hans revealed nothing."In the scale of things, we are the very smallest of intelligences, the very dimmest of lights. Yet like plankton in Earth's seas, we lay the foundations for all the complex glory above us.

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