Apocalyptica (Book 2): Ran

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In real life it’s incredibly boring. Admittedly our experience was different given the inclusion of zombies, but still. Mostly boring.
    We took the Jeep. I hauled out the small flatbed trailer I kept in the back yard and hooked it up. Jem eyed me when I handed him a backpack. Then he looked through it.
    “Why do we need all this stuff?” he asked, pawing around in the carefully packed food, water, and spare clothes. The clothes I was especially proud of having on hand, since he couldn’t wear
... any of my stuff. Granted, it was just a few t-shirts I’d picked up in a package deal at a flea market, along with a pair of fleece pajama bottoms, but that I had anything at all was kind of amazing. I ask you, who could resist buying that stuff for just a dollar? No one, that’s who.
    “These shirts are neon orange,” Jem noted. “The bottoms are...”
    “Camouflage,” I finished super helpfully.

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