Appropriation Report 1983-85

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HB 898 permits FY83 unexpended funds in the Renal program to be transferred and expended in the FY84 appropriation.
When the department reorganizes, the Health Services Division will be transferred to the new Health Services and Nedical Facilities Division.
235 DEPT HEALTH & ENVIRON SCIENCES DIRECTOR'S OFFICE Actual Budgeted Appropriated BUDGET DETAIL SUMMARY FY 1982 FY 1983 FY 1984 FY 1985 Full Time Equivalent Employees 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 Personal Services Operating Expenses Equipment Gra
...nts Transfers Total Program Costs General Fund Federal & Private Special Fund Proprietary Fund Total Funding Costs Current Level Services Budget Amended Services Total Service Costs 325,332.69 62,385.48 6,002.86 90,601.50 4,251.30- 501,854 92,209 1,500 304,948 84,000- $816,511 377 80 1 170 230 749 134 060 376,947 85,482 879 16,260 $480,071.23 $629 173 $479,568 106,820.71 296,347.25 76,903.27 207,709 608,802 457 171 646 527 308,505 171,063 $480,071.23 $816,511 $629 173 $479,568 470,443.68 9,627.55 816,511 629 173 479,568 $480,071.23 $816,511 $629 173 $479,568 Program Description The Director's Office provides for the overall management and policy development of the department.

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