Appropriation Report 1985-87

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Data processing fees of $95,000 per year were added for LETS users accessing criminal history files. An increase in the use of the system is anticipated. It is intended the $95,000 be used only for data processing.
The 48th Legislature authorized funds to purchase highband radio communications and dispatch equipment for use in eastern Montana. The equipment will be completely installed and operational by July 1, 1985. Authorization was given for four dispatchers to staff the Glendive regional d
...ispatch office. These four dispatchers are in addition to the one dispatcher already stationed in Glendive. The cost of the 4 radio dispatch operators is $79,979 in fiscal 1986 and $79,989 in fiscal 1987 from the Highway Special Revenue Account.
The four radio dispatchers which were approved is a reduction from 11 dispatchers in fiscal 1986 and 16 dispatchers in fiscal 1987 originally requested by the department. The additional 7 dispatchers in fiscal 1986 would have staffed the 4110 21 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT NETWORK SERV BUDGET DETAIL SUMMARY Actual FY 1984 Budgeted FY 1985 Appropriated FY 1986 FY 1987 Full Time Equivalent Employee 11.05 Billings and Helena regional centers, the Missoula regional center.

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Appropriation Report 1985-87
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