Appropriation Report 1994-1995

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These fees, about $213,300 annually, currently are being deposited to the general fund, but will be distributed to each incorporated city and town in the state beginning in PY94.
Department of Pamily Services Page BIO HUMAN SERVICES fjHE %x 'S^ NATDRM.
ESOURClS % e^COMMERCE Public Service Commission FY1992 Actual FY1993 Appropriated FY1994 Appropriated FY1995 Appropriated Full lime Equivalent Employees 47.00 47.00 44.50 44. bO Personal Services Operating Expenses Equipment Total Agency Costs 1,
...599,153.49 459,004.84 77,753.20 $2,135,911.53 1,643,327 521,688 39,579 $2,204,594 1,599,270 658,494 125.208 $2,382,972 1,623,024 443,602 17.862 $2,084,488 General Fund State Special Revenue Fund Federal Special Revenue Fund Proprietary Fund 2,091,853.05 0.00 24,679.68 19.378.80 2,158,114 27,100 19,380 $2,204,594 2,353,245 29,727 $2,382,972 2,056,320 28,168 Total Funding Costs $2,135,911.53 $2,084,488 Public Service Regulation Prog Total Program Costs 2,135,911.53 $2,135,911.53 2,204,594 $2,204,594 2,382,972 $2,382,972 2,084,488 $2,084,488 The Public Service Regulation program is funded primarily by a fee on regulated companies equal to the amount appropriated for the commission by the legislature for each fiscal year.

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