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The presence of arsenic in artificial orpiment, and realgar, in Scheele's Green and in the sulphuret of antimony, may be readily shown by this process when not more than half a grain of any of those compounds is em- ployed. In conclusion, I beg to remark that although the instruments I have now finished describing are the form I prefer to all I have employed, it must be 50 ARSENIC.
perfectly evident to any one that many very simple arrangements might be contrived. Indeed I may say unequivocally
... there is no town or village in which sulphuric acid and zinc can be obtained but every house could furnish to the ingenious experimental- ist ample means for the purpose. For a two-ounce phial, with a cork and a piece of tobacco-pipe, or a bladder with the same arrangement fixed to its mouth might, in cases of extreme necessity, be employed with success, as I have repeatedly done in this instance. The only ambiguity that can pos- sibly arise in the mode of operating above de- scribed, arises from the circumstance that some samples of zinc of commerce themselves contain arsenic ; and such when acted on by dilute sulphuric acid gave out arseniuretted hydrogen.

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