Assault On England

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"I've remembered about that emblem!" I rubbed sleep out of my eyes and followed her inside. She stopped short and stared. Thanks to my uninvited visitors, the place looked like a disaster area.
    "What in the world happened here?" "You'd never believe it." "Try me," she said.
    "A good guess is that the assassin knows I'm on the case and has decided he doesn't want me breathing down his neck. He sent a couple of big fellows with big guns to deliver a one-way ticket to the morgue. I had to ge
...t Brutus to pull the police off my back at three a.m." "But how would the assassin know who you are and what you're here for?" she asked, puzzled.
    I shrugged. "A leak in Brutus's office?" I suggested.
    "Impossible!" She was indignant.
    "I hope so," I said. "Anyway, it means we're getting warm so — what about that emblem?" Her face brightened again excitedly. "Let me see that paper." I handed it to her.

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